+7 (395-43) 505-82
+7 (395-43) 506-04
4.5. Хлебная продукция

Baked Goods


Bread is our main wealth!


In June 2010, Agricultural Joint Stock Company “Belorechenskoye”, led by Gavriil S. Frantenko, launched a shop for the production of bread and flour confectionery products.


 For production of baked goods, we use only our own raw materials produced at our enterprise: flour, milk, whey, cottage cheese, sour cream and chicken eggs.


Specialists of the enterprise throughout the production cycle control the quality of incoming raw materials and finished products;


Annually we produce one thousand tons of bread and flour confectionery products for the residents of our region.


The assortment of bread includes 24 types - wheat and rye-wheat breads, loaves and baguettes, buns and saika roll breads.


The range of flour confectionery products is 29 types of delicious cakes, pies and bar cakes.


Bakery and flour confectionery products of the “Belorechye” trade mark are the pride of our enterprise!


Сельскохозяйственное акционерное общество "Белореченское"

665 479, Российская Федерация, Иркутская область, Усольский муниципальный район,

городское поселение Белореченское, территория СХАО Белореченское, здание 2.

Телефон приемной: (39543) 505-82

ИНН 3840001848

КПП 385101001

ОГРН 1023802144431

e-mail: mail@belor.ru    

+7 (39543) 505-82
+7 (39543) 506-04