+7 (395-43) 505-82
+7 (395-43) 506-04
3.1. Куриные яйца


The chicken egg is a valuable food item, affordable and demanded by all walks of society. Eggs are wholesome, healthy and safe.  This unique combination of properties has allowed the egg to become a benchmark of nutritive value. That is why the chicken egg holds a strong position of a routine food in the diet of modern man.

The egg is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. All components of the egg (the white, yolk and eggshell) are healthy both together and separately. A chicken egg contains 7.7 grams of fat, out of which 3.5 grams are monounsaturated fats, which are very good for the heart, 1.7 grams are polyunsaturated fats and only 2 grams fats are saturated. This combination can only be found in salmonid fish and mackerel.

As for cholesterol, the egg has half as much cholesterol as red caviar, and more vitamin A and E. There are 12 main vitamins in the egg, including choline. And in terms of vitamin D content, it is second to only fish oil.

Nutritionists recommend eating eggs to those who want to lose weight, as they are low in calories, but nutrient-sense, containing 96% of minerals, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, etc., folic acid and essential amino acids.

Agricultural Joint Stock Company “Belorechenskoye” is the leading producer of chicken eggs in the region. The company produces chicken eggs in accordance with GOST requirements and according to its own technical specifications. Chicken eggs complying these technical specifications are a functional product, as they have a number of useful properties. Chicken eggs produced by Agricultural Joint Stock Company “Belorechenskoye” have repeatedly won awards and medals at local, regional and international exhibitions for high consumer properties and quality.


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Being mindful of their health, consumers ask these questions:

"Which company made this product?",

"Where is it produced?",

"How is it different from other similar products?" 

We have answered your questions:

the logomark of Agricultural Joint Stock Company “Belorechenskoye” , which we put on our products – a chicken egg - is a sign of quality and distinguishes our products from those by other producers.



The benefits of choosing “Belorechenskoye” eggs:

“Belorechenskoye” eggs are distinguished by the fact that throughout the production cycle they are under strict supervision of specialists:

“Belorechenskoye” eggs are laid by high quality hens of the Dekalb White cross. From day one our hens are protected from infections and viruses, and kept in conditions that exclude the risk of diseases, because a healthy product can only be obtained from a healthy bird;

“Belorechenskoye” chickens are fed exclusively with balanced feed of our own production. They are kept in houses with modern German equipment, which helps keep them clean;

eggs collecting is carried out with roller belts, which do not damage eggshells;

eggs sorting is carried out with the STAALKAT machine, which tests the eggs for  cracks on the shell and sorts out the damaged ones;

100% ovoscopy of the egg contents, i.e. non-standardised eggs are excluded;

labelling: date, egg category, macroelements, trace minerals and/or vitamins, company logo are applied to the egg by drop-jet method, which guarantees freshness and protects against counterfeiting;

favourable geographical location of the egg factory - close to the largest cities in the region - allows us to quickly deliver genuine fresh eggs to the points of sale.

The egg is a marvellous creation of nature, a storehouse of nutrients, a wholesome dietary food for humans; so, eat healthy and always start the day with a white egg by Agricultural Joint Stock Company “Belorechenskoye”!


Сельскохозяйственное акционерное общество "Белореченское"

665 479, Российская Федерация, Иркутская область, Усольский муниципальный район,

городское поселение Белореченское, территория СХАО Белореченское, здание 2.

Телефон приемной: (39543) 505-82

ИНН 3840001848

КПП 385101001

ОГРН 1023802144431

e-mail: mail@belor.ru    

+7 (39543) 505-82
+7 (39543) 506-04